We always try to provide the best possible service, but there may be times when you feel that this has not happened.
The following information explains our in-house complaints procedure, drawn up to respond to patients grievances. Our clinic procedure is not able to deal with questions of legal liability or compensation. We hope you would use it to allow us to look into and, if necessary, correct any problem that you have identified, or mistakes that have been made. If you use this procedure it will not affect your right to complain to the Care Quality Commission.
Local Resolution
The complaints procedure covers complaints made by a person about any matter connected with the provisions of services by the clinic. Local resolution aims to resolve complaints quickly and as close to the source of the complaint as possible using the most appropriate means; for example, use of conciliation. Any complaint against a doctor will be shared by Zenith with the responsible officer of BCAM.
Who can complain initially?
The first stage of the complaints procedure is local resolution.
- Your complaint should be made in the first instance to the clinic manager via email, fax, or by post.
- The clinic manager will acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing within three working days. You will be informed at this stage that the matter will be thoroughly investigated and a report given within 28 days. In order for us to do this swiftly you must ensure we have your current postal and email address and telephone number.
- The clinic manager will fully document the details of complaint
- Depending on the nature of the complaint, the clinic manager will endeavor to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction.
- The time frame of the resolution of the complaint should be agreed with yourself and may vary depending on the nature of the complaint. If timeframe expected by the person making the complaint is unreasonable it must be documented.
- If the complaint involves either a clinical matter or a doctor’s attitude the clinic manager will, with the patients agreement, involve the doctor / clinician or surgeon concerned or the director.
- The patient should be informed of the outcome either by invitation to a meeting to discuss his/her complaint or by a visit. Minor matters may be dealt with by telephone or letter.
- Issues raised by patients will be routinely discussed at clinical meetings.